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What just happened?

Updated: May 26, 2020

Wow. Did not see all of this coming. Although the Covid pandemic has changed our lives it is only a matter of time before we work out the details of life moving forward while dealing with this dreadful little virus. With all this remote working and "virtual" this and that, it does show how the salt of technology today can be applied to bring flavor back into life.

The need to communicate effectively during this time, is "what" makes, "what can happen", "happen". My profession is in 3D, I often communicate with my clients using virtual solutions, as I am expected too. It would be disappointing if all I showed up with is a pencil and piece of grid paper, although a good artist can do amazing things on 2D platform like paper or a photo print, so I am not knocking it. With the imaging tech we have now it is possible deliver an entire environment for visual consumption by a potential consumer in a variety fields (architect, designer, tradesman, planner, facilitator, insurance underwriter, real estate client, apartment or condo client, commercial real estate client). Last week I was working with a client from Denmark who had to gather information about a facility in Illinois to keep his project moving forward. It is the time, where we can be somewhere, we are not. Sounds strange of course, but we are doing it everyday.

The world is realizing the value of 3D and VR Tech, like laser scans, point clouds, 360 imagery and drones. People and businesses are being very cautious now, rightfully so, state restrictions that may be turning off and on like Christmas lights depending on how the virus tracks. Stigmas and feelings either naughty or guilty on stepping out of the house. Restaurants and shops having to figuring out how to bring customers back into their establishments. Productivity and collaborating in this new working world will be a challenge so this tech to your advantage. VR Tours are a great way to show the public how you modified your facility and operations to provide a safe and enjoyable experience along with the peace of mind.

Industrial, Commercial, Real Estate, Eatery and Restaurants, Pre Construction and Active Construction Sites. Our VR Tours offer built-in web-meeting features to you can collaborate interactively with stakeholders or discuss aspects of commercial or residential property with a potential client without any inconvenience or safety issues like plane flights or lengthy travel. We can help identify the best solution to make it a game changer for you too.

Projects range from simple house, restaurant, gym or commercial property virtual tours to something as complex as fabrication verification and installation planning for very large systems, projects of mine shown below. These are both examples of projects that demanded a highly adapted form of information collaboration for stakeholders nationally and globally.

Below image of maritime coal loading conveyor system in Florida. Imagery and point cloud information was collected to verify fabrication and illustrate existing conditions prior to its installation in New Orleans a few weeks later.

Below: Image of exit cavitation tube of a hydro-electric dam during scanning and 360 image capture. Markings in pink are GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar). Data collectively assembled in a colorized mesh for fabrication of parts in this restoration project.

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